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Transition to Web3 - Course 3 | How Smart Contracts Work

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The central theme of this course is Vitalik’s idea of a decentralized computer system, achieved by deploying software programs, called “smart contracts,” into blocks and executing them during the mining process. You’ll learn the logic of smart contracts by playing with fun demos. You’ll also gain insights into the broader advantages and limitations of decentralization and smart contract technology.

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1 Section

A decentralized computer system

Adding code into blocks

Adding code into blocks - Demo

Triggering smart contracts

Triggering smart contracts - Demo

Trigger transactions are added to the next block

Trigger transactions are added to the next block - Demo

Miners execute the code when mining

Miners execute the code when mining - Demo

Virtual machines run the code

What does it cost to run smart contracts?

Transaction fees - Demo

What happens when the code is executed?

1️⃣ Smart contracts creating a new transaction - Demo

2️⃣ Smart contracts updating the state - Demo


Big picture: advantages of decentralization

Big picture: what is possible with smart contracts?

Big picture: limitations of smart contracts


Transition to Web3 - Course 3 | How Smart Contracts Work


19 lessons

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4.81 score

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