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Now that you know about inheritance, let’s take a look at what we mean by Interface.

Solidity Interfaces

Interfaces in Solidity are like blueprints for contracts—they specify what methods a contract must have without defining how these methods work. Let's get into the details and see how you can use interfaces to make your contracts interact smoothly and predictably.

What is an Interface in Solidity?

Think of an interface in Solidity like a contract’s promise. It tells other contracts, "Hey, I guarantee I have these functions you can call." What it doesn’t do is tell anyone how it’s going to handle those functions—that part is up to the contract that implements the interface.

Why Use Interfaces?

1. Compatibility: They ensure that different contracts can work together, as long as they follow the same interface.

2. Flexibility: You can easily swap out contract implementations without changing how your contracts interact.

3. Simplicity: Interfaces help you manage and organize your code by separating the definition of functions from their implementation.

Key Concepts in Solidity Interfaces

There are a couple of key concepts in Interfaces that can help you understand it better. Let’s break them down.

1. Defining an Interface

Here’s how you can define a simple interface in Solidity:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IStore {

    function setItem(uint *id, uint* price) external;

    function getItem(uint \_id) external view returns (uint);


This IStore interface expects any contract implementing it to have setItem and getItem functions but doesn't care how these functions are implemented.

2. Implementing an Interface

Let’s create a contract that implements our IStore interface:

contract MyStore is IStore {

    mapping(uint => uint) public items;

    function setItem(uint *id, uint* price) external override {

        items\[\_id\] = \_price;


    function getItem(uint \_id) external view override returns (uint) {

        return items\[\_id\];



MyStore implements both functions specified in the IStore interface. The override keyword is used to indicate that these functions are concrete implementations of the interface.

3. Interacting Through Interfaces

You can interact with any contract through its interface if you know the contract’s address:

contract Shop {

    IStore store;

    constructor(address \_storeAddress) {

        store = IStore(\_storeAddress);


    function priceCheck(uint \_id) public view returns (uint) {

        return store.getItem(\_id);



Here, Shop uses the IStore interface to interact with the MyStore contract. This allows Shop to call getItem without knowing how MyStore stores items.

Practical Tips

  • Declare as External: Functions in interfaces should be declared as external.
  • No State Variables: Interfaces cannot declare state variables.
  • No Function Bodies: Interface functions cannot have bodies—they are purely declarations.
  • Events Allowed: You can declare events in interfaces, which implementing contracts can emit.

Interfaces are a powerful feature in Solidity that allow you to design flexible and interoperable contracts. By defining clear and consistent ways that contracts can interact with each other, interfaces help you build complex systems where components can be easily replaced and upgraded. Now that you know how to work with interfaces, try incorporating them into your next blockchain project for more robust and maintainable code!

As we conclude this course, I hope you have gained a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Solidity and smart contract development. Remember, the journey to mastering Solidity is ongoing, and practice is key. Keep experimenting with different contract structures, optimize your code for gas efficiency, and stay updated with the latest EIPs. The blockchain ecosystem is ever-evolving, and as a developer, your adaptability and continuous learning will pave the way for success. Happy coding, and may your contracts be robust and your transactions secure!


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